Rules of Entry

Participant must be able to swim and be capable of swimming a 3km or one mile open water swim.

It is the sole responsibility of all participants to familiarise themselves with the route, the route of the event is shown on the Event Route Map displayed on the Splash website and available on the day of the event at Registration.

Participants must follow the route, stay within the marshal route tapes or buoys and obey marshal instruction at all times.  Marshalls shall be on land, in the NSRI rescue boats and in canoes and boats as shown on the Event Marshall Map displayed on the website and at the event at Registration. 

Participants must conduct themselves in a manner responsible both to themselves and to fellow participants, any abuse of persons participating will result in the marshal removing the offending participant from the event.

A marshal may instruct that a swimmer be disqualified for not following the route correctly.

The entry fee is not refundable.

The Event will be held according to the prevailing COVID-19 regulations
if the event is canceled due to COVID-19 rulings, entry fees will not be refunded but entry will carry over for 2022 Splash.

Participants accept that instruction from a marshal is final and binding.

All participants must sign the Indemnity Form which is on the Entry Form, if under 18 a parent or guardian must sign.
Guardians must supply proof of guardianship to the event organizers.

No swimmer is permitted to start the event without proof of payment.

Winners in a race category will be awarded medals for 1st place.

Swimmers who complete the course will be awarded a medal for participating. The event manager’s decision on any dispute is final and binding.